Forward to Better

Google & HMCT
Starting point:

Due to the pandemic, all of us have suffered quite a bit, but one of the most affected groups are definitely the young adults, who faced drastic changes in every part of their daily lives - be it education, socialization, or hobbies. And now that it all has started to get a bit better, the overall message most widely discussed seems to be the idea of going “back to normal”; however, for a lot of young people, who’ve lost formative years of their lives to the pandemic, there is no simple “normal” to get back to and it’s not enough.


In collaboration with HMCT, Google will create a type-based campaign encouraging young people to express themselves, share their feelings, and discuss the abnormality of the new normal with their community of peers, so we can not only go back to normal, but move forward to better.

This is student work. Names, characters, brands, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work is designed to showcase the student’s ability to work with real world brands in real world applications. Any resemblance to actual events, brands, campaigns, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This presentation is meant for educational purposes only.